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GOTR 5K Weather Plan and Procedure

While we are crossing our fingers and toes for a dry 5K Celebration, we know we must be prepared for inclement weather on 5K day.  

Girls on the Run Greater Cincinnati holds the safety of our participants as a top priority. We are aware of the potential for inclement weather and are doing everything we can to be prepared for such a situation. We have created a clear policy and system to keep all 5K day participants, spectators, and volunteers prepared and informed if such a situation arises. The plan follows: 

  • The GOTR 5K Director, Executive Director and Course Director will meet frequently throughout the morning to monitor present and approaching severe or dangerous weather via guidance from the National Weather Service. If the conditions include rain only, we will proceed as planned.
    • Should a threat for severe weather remain, the GOTR 5K will be canceled. There will be no refunds due to weather-related cancellations. Look for a post-5K communication regarding picking up your 5K t-shirt and medal at a later date. Due to scheduling and logistical constraints, it is not an option to reschedule the 5K Celebration. We appreciate your understanding.
    • We will not begin the 5K if there is a chance for severe weather during the event. We will make this decision with caution. The safety of the girls, participants, volunteers, and spectators is far more valuable than the risk of having 3,000+ people stuck outdoors in a dangerous weather situation.

 If there is a weather threat while in the staging area (Yeatman’s Cove):

All attendees should seek cover in either their cars, restrooms, tunnels on the east side of the park, Southgate Bridge overpass or Heritage Bank parking garage near the west side of Yeatman’s Cove. Await further instruction via text and/or social media (we can only text if you granted us consent during registration).

 If there is a severe weather threat while on the 5K course:

Should a weather threat (lightning or thunder) occur while participants are on the course, both spectators and participants should immediately seek nearby and safe shelter - a building or vehicle. Avoid metal, power lines, and trees. Please wait 30 minutes from the last observed lightning or thunder before leaving your safe shelter location.

After the weather threat has passed, please exit the course, and take the most direct route to return to your vehicle using sidewalks and crossing areas. Coaches will be waiting to hear from each girl on their team to make sure they have safely returned from the course.

Coaches and families: We ask and highly encourage you to distribute one coach phone number to each family so guardians may notify you once they safely reach their cars.

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We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Non-profit girl empowerment after-school program for girls.

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